Ayodhya Ram Janmbhoomi Tour Package
Destination :
  • As this travel plan is customized one for a private visit, we can adjust the visit and administrations according to your prerequisite.
  • A particular necessity, extraordinary intrigue visit, gatherings, course, shopping, national occasions, reasonable and celebrations, meeting with neighborhood individuals, safaris, outing, and dinner plan, convenience and so forth., can be masterminded as needs be at extra expense, assuming any.
  • During the National Ceremonies, Major Sports Events, New Year, Christmas, Fair and Festivals the bundle cost can be changed occasionally.

Ayodhya Ram Janmbhoomi Tour Package

Lord Ram is a god having great reverence among the Hindus as can be seen by some people saying "Ram Ram" in normal greetings. Lord Ram was born long ago in the period of stay (meaning the age of truth or sincerity) and so was the Ram mandir temple in Ayodhya. Sri Ram mandir temple has a long history. Hindus believe that on the birthplace of Ram that is Ayodhya, there was a magnificent temple surpassing other temples. During the invasion of Babur and his rule, many old temples were demolished and, on his command, there was a mosque built on the same site. There was a lot of debate and court cases for the same. After a long hearing process, the court gave a landmark judgment posing the way for the construction of Ram Mandir at the disputed site. Under the historic verdict, it was ordered to the center to set up a trust in 3 months for the construction of the temple.

If you are planning a trip to Ayodhya and want to explore the Ram Janmbhoomi Temple, book Ayodhya Ram Janmbhoomi Tour Package for 3 days. This tour package offers a comprehensive itinerary that covers all the important sites and attractions in Ayodhya.

The Ayodhya tour package with Ram Janmabhoomi visit is a three-day, two-night tour that includes visits to several important temples and other places of interest in and around Ayodhya. The tour is designed to give devotees and tourists an immersive experience of Ayodhya's rich cultural and religious heritage.


Day 1:

The tour starts with a visit to the Ram Janmabhoomi temple, which is the main highlight of the tour. The temple is located at the site believed to be the birthplace of Lord Rama. The temple complex is spread over a large area and includes several other temples and shrines. The main temple is a magnificent structure that is a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of Indian artisans. The temple has been built in the Nagara style of architecture, which is characterized by its towering spires and intricate carvings.


Day 2:

After visiting the Ram Janmabhoomi temple, the tour takes you to several other important temples in Ayodhya. These include the Hanuman Garhi temple, which is dedicated to Lord Hanuman, and the Kanak Bhawan temple, which is dedicated to Lord Rama and his consort, Sita. The tour also includes a visit to the Nageshwarnath temple, which is one of the oldest temples in Ayodhya and is dedicated to Lord Shiva.


Day 3:

Apart from the temples, the tour also includes visits to several other places of interest in and around Ayodhya. These include the Saryu River, which is considered to be a sacred river by Hindus and is believed to have purifying powers. The tour also takes you to the Kala Ram temple, which is famous for its intricate carvings and beautiful paintings.

One of the highlights of the Ayodhya Ram Janmabhoomi tour package is the opportunity to participate in the evening aarti at the Ram Janmabhoomi temple. The aarti is a beautiful and enchanting ritual that involves the chanting of hymns and the lighting of lamps. The aarti is a must-see for anyone visiting Ayodhya, as it is a truly mesmerizing experience.

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